'Yippie in the ~snow~ it's Friday'

Sister Daisy poses for a photo, but I'm too into the snow to be bothered!

Brother Ivan and myself explore the woods!

Sister Daisy is thrilled!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Heya! A bunch of us bloggie doggies meet in DWB Chat every Sunday for some barkin fun. 9 a.m. EST (New York) Time - 10 p.m. Singapore time. Peemail me for the secret chat address if you wanna come to our weekly barkfest - wiredfoxterror@yahoo.com

Bussie Kissies

pee ess - Since stupid daylight savings time some of us have started coming in at 8 a.m. EST/9 p.m. Singapore time.

Duke said...

We live in CT too and we love the snow just as much as you do! Pleased to meet you! We're Maggie and Mitch the Airedales!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

cookie said...

Hi Karms,
We love the snow too!!
The best picture ever is the one with you in the boat!!!
You are a very luck pooch.
Your mom writes great blogs.
We'll check in again later.

High five paws
Cookie and crew