Day at the dog park!

New friends!

Daisy can't stop running

Daisy: It's HOT, Mom!

Ivan: It's REALLY hot , Mom!

Daisy: It's really, really hot, Mom!

Karma: Admire my tongue...

Karma: The world is a big place!

Over the river and through the woods...

Run in the park

Daisy: Oh dear, the ball is in the water...

Should I go for it?

Got it!

I'm coming back!


Hot dog! Mom took us all to the dog park in Stony Creek today. It was HOT, but we had a great time! Met some new friends, swam in the pond, rolled in assorted smelly things, ate grass, ran madcap through the woods, AND, Daisy fetched her first ball from deep water (had to swim out to get it). Mom was so proud! A great time was had by all! Afterwards, we went home for long drinks of water and a nap on the bed with mom. Life is good.


Duke said...

What a great way to spend a hot day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Karma Innen said...

It was SO much fun! I love summer!

xxooxxoo Karma

Huskee and Hershey said...

What a fun day you all had!! Balls, swimming, new friends, walkies.. wow!

Karma Innen said...

Yea Huskee, wish you could have been there!!!!
